LCC memiliki kelompok kecil yang disebut dengan Living Community (LC). Saat pertama kali menghadiri LC, saya cukup heran karena tidak ada “liturgi” yang biasanya dilakukan dalam sebuah kelompok kecil. Mereka hanya sharing aplikasi Firman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan apa yang mereka alami dari Firman-Nya.
Saya terkesima mendengar kesaksian mereka yang dahsyat, dan muncul cemburu Ilahi untuk saya bisa mengalami kedahsyatan Tuhan juga. Malamnya saya langsung berdoa dengan bahasa roh dan meminta Tuhan melakukan mukjizat-Nya dalam hidup saya.
Keesokan harinya, tiba-tiba ayah saya yang biasanya memegang rekening saham bursa efek kami mendatangi saya dan meminta saya untuk menghitung ulang seluruh portfolio yang ada. Saya mematuhinya dan memberikan catatan yang telah saya siapkan. Setelah ia memeriksa satu persatu, ia terkejut karena ada satu jenis saham yang tidak pernah dibeli.
Perlu diketahui bahwa seluruh transaksi saham di bursa efek itu tercatat secara elektronik dan terdapat catatan hariannya sehingga hampir tidak mungkin terjadi kesalahan pembelian. Tetapi setelah dicek dari berbagai segi, tidak terdapat catatan elektronik dalam bentuk apapun yang menyatakan kami pernah membeli saham itu. Bahkan lucunya, saya dan ayah saya berdebat siapa pemiliknya.
Akhir kata, ayah saya tetap bersikeras tidak mungkin saham itu miliknya dan menyerahkannya kepada saya. Seminggu sebelumnya, saya sempat bergumul untuk memberikan “persembahan sulung” awal tahun 2011, dan saya juga ingin membeli Alkitab bahasa inggris yang harganya cukup mahal. Ketika saham itu dijual, jumlahnya sama persis dengan angka taburan sulung PLUS harga alkitab bahasa Inggris. Luar Biasa! Dahsyat!
LCC has a small group called the Living Community (LC). When I first attended LC, I was quite surprised because there is no “liturgy” which is usually done in a small group. They’re just sharing application of the Word in everyday life, and what they experienced from His Word.
I was amazed to hear their testimonies that are very incredible, and they arose divine jealousy in me to experience the awesomeness of God as well. Later that night I immediately prayed in tongues and asked God to do His miracle in my life.
The next day, suddenly my father who usually held the account of our stock exchanges came to me and asked me to recalculate all the existing portfolio. I obeyed and gave the notes I had prepared. After he examined one by one, he was surprised because there was one type of stock that was never purchased.
Please note that all transactions of shares on the stock exchange was recorded electronically and there is a daily record so it was almost impossible to have errors in purchasing stocks. But after checking from many respects, there was no electronic record in any form that stated we’ve bought that stock. The funny thing was that, I and my dad were arguing over who owned that stock.
Finally, my father insisted that it was not his stock and handed it to me. A week earlier, I had to struggle to give “first fruit offering” in early 2011, and I also want to buy an English Bible that was quite expensive. When the stock was sold, the money I earned was exactly match with the first fruit offering and the price of an English Bible. Extraordinary! Awesome!